
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Home cafe

2:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Opening remarks

Speaker: Hélène Djoufelkit (Director of the Economic Diagnostics and Public Policy Department, AFD)

2:15 PM - 3:30 PM

Round Table 1 - Commons, public action and the general interest

To what extent and under what conditions do the Commons contribute to public interest objectives? How can public actors secure the Commons? How does this desire to work together challenge the practices and representations of public and development actors?

  • Moderator: Stéphanie Leyronas (Research fellow, AFD)
  • Speakers:

    • Benjamin Coriat (Economist, CEPN-USPN)
    • Sophie Salomon (Deputy Director of the Economic Diagnostics and Public Policy Department, AFD)
    • Guiako Obin (Digital entrepreneur and social innovation, founder of BabyLab)
    • Anne-Sophie Olmos (Grenoble city councillor)
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Round Table 2 - The Commons, political perspective for Africa

  • Moderator: Thomas Melonio (Executive Director of Innovation, Strategy and Research, AFD)
  • Speakers:

    • Tanella Boni (Philosopher and essayist)
    • Mamoudou Gazibo (Political scientist, University of Montreal)
    • Achille Mbembé (Historian and philosopher)